Saturday, December 6, 2008

Lisa Renee - December message

L I S A ~ R E N E E - Coming Full Circle

December 2008

Popular manipulation techniques being used now are all polarity thinking:

Us vs.Them, Enemy patterning (there is a terrorist to get you), not that way - but my way is better, (imposing your will on another) fear of the unknown, nowhere is safe, I know the truth, he/she doesn't, that person is evil or that person is 'good' or whatever else is fabricated from the holographic projection of the personal or group identity.

This is all an ego trip of judgment, emotional vampirism and distraction that takes you outside of yourself, instead of being inside of yourself. Every opportunity to distract you from yourself is happening right now so take care to be with your inner sanctum.
These activities and thought forms will drain you of your personal power.

The new technology being used is a type of holographic insert that projects an image to a remote viewer.

Many channels and intuitives will scan another beings energy field, many times without permission from the being they are scanning. This is a type of 'remote viewing'. Without invitation from the object being scanned, or that they have not addressed you personally for interaction, there is no agreement and this becomes a field intrusion. This breaks the higher sovereign agreement held between the two entities and allows the choice of exercising one's personal will (superimposition) over the divine will (pure beingness).

It is an act that does not honor the beings freedom and sovereign right to creative expression. What this personal will choice does is allow for 'intrusion' and manipulation and triggers a holographic insert that acts as a mirage. When the remote viewer sees the 'mirage' it sees an illusion of a program placed there to create a negatively judged experience. Since personal will is about applying judgment, judgment becomes the playing field of manipulation.

What I am noticing is many of these holographic field inserts happening are on spiritual leaders or group facilitators. As a group it may empower us to be aware of these potentials, (holographic inserts) as this is an aggressive tactic to employ a last ditch effort to thwart us from our collaborative group impact.

Conquer and Divide is the main agenda to keep separation consciousness alive. If spiritual leaders or facilitators become competitive, judgmental with each other or publically diss another spiritual leader, use this as a benchmark to put your own ego in check. Perceived power over others is an extremely slippery pitfall of the ego consciousness. There is never any excuse to put down any being ever, as each and every one of us is here to provide a specific niche and unique frequency to collaborate into the whole of creation. It is each and every beings responsibility to decide their own personal pathway of resonance and not rely or depend on any outside source through attachment.

Discernment over judgment, preference over attachment and self sourcing your inner sustenance is a huge path of mastery at this time. Walk the tightrope carefully however be kind in every way you can. The current adversity can pound us out of our kindness towards our self and others, and it is a time where kindness and compassion are the most needed.

Posted: 12:13:14 AM

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