Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ramah's Wisdom

Follow-up on ATTACKS:

Ramah's Wisdom

Any miss-use of energy, negative thought or action projected toward another person is a form of psychic attack.

This can ALSO make you wonder about ONEness.

Saying NO to i.e. Bush, War etc. is adding more energy towards the 'problem', which is not a problem, just a natural event of time.

Through THIS we find our lights, ourselves!
We are INVITED to become secure, in power, attached with the ONE source: LOVE.

Recently noticed in a film called 'The Moses Code' is the phrase: I am that I am. In this film is explained that the quote is not entirely correct;

To explain it in short words:

Look at a TREE and say: "I am THAT. I am!"
Look at a HUMAN and say: "I am THAT. I am!"
Look at the WAR(s) and say: "I am THAT. I am!"

Especially looking at the Quote for Today "Any Misuse of Energy, Negative Thought or Action" can bring you a step closer to Self:

For many this means a WOW, let me bring this into my life, to take that step higher in consciousness. For they can SEE the part they are playing, without judgment of self or others.
For others this can be frightening: loss of control, other ego issues may cause them to say: No, I am not that.
Eventually they will connect with this space as well and join us on the path chosen.

Now its the time to face your insecureties, victim-roles etc.!

Making another pointer about the attacks:

Ofcourse the 'dark cabals' don't like US to grow to LIGHT; they want the control of Planet Earth, acting out on their ego's, merely because they THINK they have it the right-way! Much the same as we do!
Makes you wonder?

Makes you also wonder HOW they get their ways?
Through YOUR lack of self-confidence, thus LOVE.
Bringing FEAR etc. in peoples life will lower the energy, what THEY want! So take a good look at self and say: I AM THAT TOO!

NOW YOU ARE AWARE OF MANY PARTS OF SELF and you can take action:
(saying "O M G" won't help a bit, saying "this is too difficult, I have too many other issues in my life", neither) ...
That is merely playing out the OLD victim-role, again.

Take action and become YOU (LOVE - LIGHT). Notice your thoughts, excersise i.e. AGAIN the Eckhart Tolle series, read the ARTICLE HOW TO AVOID BEING PSYCHICALLY ATTACKED AGAIN ...
Go higher in vibration everytime you feel that you have lowered yourself through MEDITATION, MUSIC, STILLNESS, or DOING SIMPLE TASK IN YOUR HOME like CLEANING.
Cleaning is always a GOOD way to clean your energy, your mind (of thoughts) and to become in the NOW.

Know that the WORLDS are changed (into love) THROUGH you, not BY you (your ego-actions) !

Until then,


Posted: 12:38:23 PM

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